Saturday, January 23, 2010

Can Vicodin Lower Blood Pressure What's A Natural Remedy To Counter The Effects Of Vicodin?

What's a natural remedy to counter the effects of Vicodin? - can vicodin lower blood pressure

My grandmother felt the pain and took two tablets of Vicodin. Now his blood pressure is so high that it is at risk for stroke. It was a morning cruise and do not want to cancel. What you can do to lower your blood pressure and reduce the side effects of vicodin?


  1. I want to skip rememdy natural and take him to the doctor for medicine to lower your blood pressure. You can get a shot at pretty quickly. It may take some pills with him when they decide they need it. The emergency department is always open. Moreover, this is not a common side effect of Vicodin to do that only if more than the recommended dose. This could actually another manifestation of health problems. You get checked out. Doctors in general, the shipowner will not be sucked into the sea and need help.

  2. if the game with vicodin blood pressure you should consult your doctor. they could kill.

  3. if the game with vicodin blood pressure you should consult your doctor. they could kill.

  4. I would deff pharmecy call your doctor or emergency ....
