Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How To Steal Out Of Lockers At School Is It Illegal If I Steal Stuff Out Of Kids' Lockers At School?

Is it illegal if i steal stuff out of kids' lockers at school? - how to steal out of lockers at school

As might not be arrested if they catch me?


  1. And also a good opportunity to get your A ** kicked, if you fall through the wrong person.

  2. Yes, it's illegal - if the windows were closed, it's breaking and entering, and then there's theft. You can be arrested if they catch you.

  3. Crooks like you even steal candy from a baby.If you think you do not catch.

  4. Yes to both questions! Do not do it !!!!!

  5. Yeah good luck with your new BF in jail.

  6. What do you know ever thought of stealing is illegal? Overall it is a place of trust, such as a school?

    Do not be silly! Of course, it is illegal.

  7. Yes, it is illegal and can not be stopped

  8. If you steal something that is illegal, no matter what it is.

  9. Theft is theft. !!!!!!!!!!!!! Bad, Bad, Bad
    Yes, it can be arrested if found the owner of the ticket from the files of the complaints against him, after you stole.

  10. Theft is theft. !!!!!!!!!!!!! Bad, Bad, Bad
    Yes, it can be arrested if found the owner of the ticket from the files of the complaints against him, after you stole.

  11. hip lady wants YA fixedJanuary 31, 2010 at 10:26 AM

    Yes, it can and a criminal charge against him.

  12. You can be arrested or his A ** kicked. They deserve so much.

  13. Yes, it is illegal, and you could be arrested if that's what we've done. You can also obtain the suspension of his arrest.

    You can not do what you do before it's too late and you have yourself into trouble.

    You can and should want to be a better man than he who does these things. Imagine for a moment, how would you feel if someone stole property of his locker, do not feel good if it happened to you.

  14. Yes, and how you might go the love, prison, or as a room, Juventus, buddy.
